Saturday, January 25, 2020

Effects Of Crime And Violence On Television

Effects Of Crime And Violence On Television As we turn on the television today, there seems to be more shows that have violence in them then ever before. The same goes true for movies and video games which the violence has a damaging effect on the society. Studies done over the last forty years show that there is a link between media violence and an increase in violet acts committed by juveniles ( With a rise in the violence in juveniles it raises the question whether the media industry has any duty with the violence it shows. Some facts need to be considered when looking at media violence and children. One factor is that many of todays population watches TV. Many say that the crime rates are going up and down due to the media. Also the shows show types of criminal behavior that could be of interest to the public. Unfortunately with many studies done over the forty years scientist have looked at media and crime they have notice a fine line which cant be crossed. When watching the news do you remember hearing about fourteen year old Michael Carneal firing a .22caliberr into a prayer group ( How about sixteen Luke Woodham and fifteen year old Kip Kinkel who both shot their parent and then went to school and shot some classmates ( When the media represents a crime such as this the people who do the crime and its affects is how the people began to see that population (Bjornstorm, Kaufman, Peterson, Slater 2010 p.269-293). Crisis such as can be a time when a population is over-presented as to be a bad person or even under presented as if what was happening did not mattered. When this happens those who are watching TV can end up thinking this behavior is okay and start acting like them (Bjornstorm, Kaufman, Peterson, Slater 2010 p.269-293). Since the 1950s many college professors studied how crime in cartoons and TV shows affected young children ( They found that after watching the cartoons the children are more aggressive immediately afterward. Also when the parents are involved the child seems to be less aggressive as well ( Scientist today say that crime images may be a factor as to why young kids chose a life of crime. Yet if their parents are involved in their everyday lives they are less likely to live a life of crime ( As you can see the findings from the 1950s is the same the findings today. One can see that there is no real evidence to say whether watching crime on TV leads to a life of crime they allow more research to be done. With forty years of research it is still hard to say ya or nah ( s-media-cause-crime.htm). In the case of the three teens, there was a interest that the juvenile crime rate would raise even though there was a sixty-eight percent decrease between 1993 and 1999 ( Of the four major crimes juveniles are arrested for such as robbery, rape, murder, and aggravated assault it dropped by thirty-six percent between 1994 and 1999 ( However these statistics are deceive able due to such shootings as the three teens ( The shootings only proofed that there is an increase in juvenile crime and not a decrease like the statistics believe. When it comes down to just how much crime juveniles are responsible for there is a tug a war between the Gallup Poll and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ( The 2000 Gallup Poll believes that the juveniles are responsible for forty-three percent while OJJD P believes juveniles are only responsible for twelve percent ( To me it is not not how much crime they are responsible for, but what gave them the idea to do the crime. After being arrested for the crimes he committed, Michael Carneal was asked what gave him the idea to commit such a crime in such a way ( He said he had in the 1995 movie The Basketball Diaries ( For anyone who has seen The Basketball Diaries know that there is a character who is a promising young poet and basketball player ( He turns to the sleazy life of someone who is addicted to heroin ( In one of his highs he goes into a dream sequence in which after breaking the door to his high school down he kills his fellow classmates ( It is scenes like these that lead to real teens thinking that if they have a problem at school this is how they should deal with it. The example of Carneal is proof that television has brainwashed our daily lives. We have become addicted to the television as if it was its own special kind of drug. The media which is placed on the television can be said to target young adults and teenagers. As shown by Carneal the media influences teens to demonstrate through their body image, peer/ media pressure and sexual misconduct. Based on a study done in 1994 by the National Cable Television Association this is very true. They found that violent content of television shows increased from over one-half of prime time. By the end of the study violence took the majority of television sending bad messages to teens ( On top of that villains of the violent scenes seem to not get in trouble for the crimes they commit as well as the villain having no injury even after getting wounded ( Such depiction give teenagers the sense that it is okay to act like this and get the teenage image which is not always a good image. We all know how important a teenagers image is everything to them. They look to actors and singers on television to give them that image they are looking for. Unfortunately, singers such as TuPac, 50 cent, Britney Spear, and and Lil Kim are some who catch our teens eye. Under the image are what use to be young people who started making the right choices, but made the wrong choices. Producers of the television shows and the market pick these people due to their invisible attitude and sex appeal. Spending a few millions of dollars in advertising is no big deal to them when they sell their clothing ( When you see teenager spending so much money to fit in or to be seen by the opposite sex with that sex appeal that is advertised it is really scary. There are those who ask the advertiser why they spend millions of dollars on advertising to contract teenagers and they will deny it ( ens-a14289). At first glance the thug image is of someone in prison, which is what it is. Criminals receive a one size fits all outfits when they are brought to the jail. Teens try to re-create this prison image, but that is not the only thing they re-create. With the image comes the actions that comes with it. The same goes for the girls. No girl wants to put a belly shirt on or low cut jeans when they feel as though their over weight ( This is when many girls become obsess with their bodies and become anorexic. All over the television you see young girls and women portrayed as femme fatale, supermom, or sex kitten ( It does not matter the role the women still looks good and gets what she wants in the end. These portrayals are what pushes them to join health clubs and attempt the fashion body as well as the anorexia. Both the thug image and the image of the you ng girls have something today with the crime since they are getting the ideas from the media. You are probably wondering what does image and violence seen on television have to do with crime caused by the media. It has more to do with it then anyone of us can about. When a villain gets shot and he does not die on top of the cool thug look it is tell guys that if they dress this way or act that way nothing will happen. In 1982 NIMH report reinforced this conclusion, and many other organizations took part in viewing media violence this way as well ( They saw media violence as a serious threat to public health because it stimulates violent behavior by youth ( An example of this would be on New York channels during a one week of content analysis of prime-time output, there were 3,421 acts and threats of violence observed ( When looking at the violent committed many of these acts were committed without any compensation for the action ( Maybe that is why by the 1990s most researchers had arrived to the idea that the effect of media violence on aggressive and violent behavior was real, causal, and significant ( Once they realized that media violence and aggression was a problem they need to figure out how to fix the problem and the long and short-term effects. Some of the short-term effects are thought to be due to observational learning and imitation ( There is arousal and excitation as well as priming ( Arousal and excitation are not harmful as long as the person does not start a fantasy about how a curtain girl should be. Long-term effects range from observational learning to emotional habituation ( On the flip side some researchers see observational learning as a short-term effect. You have to remember that the reinforcements a person receives when intimidating a behavior are largely responsible for whether the behavior persists ( Some how the consequences of sho rt-term and long-term effects are different. A good way to look at aggression is with a longitudinal study. In chapter three three we learned that that a longitudinal study is where people measured at two or more points (Aron et. al, 2008, p. 86). In this study they surveyed sixth- and seventh-grade from twenty middle schools across the US on four different occasions ( Two components of media violence and aggressiveness were measured for three thing a piece. Media violence was measured for assessing the frequency of watching action movies, playing video games involving firing a weapon, and visiting Internet sites that describe or recommend violence ( Aggressiveness was measured by aggressive cognition, values, and behavior ( What makes it on the graph is on the vertical line you have average effect size represented by r ( /pspi/pspi43.pdf). On horizontal line you have five behaviors. Three have to do with aggressiveness while the last two have have to do with helping behavior and physiological arousal. There is also an standard error. Standard errors are shown in research articles as the lines that go above the tops of the bars (Aron et. al, 2008, p. 186). When they were done with the study they said that it was weak and that more studies needed to be done. That is where the meta-analysis comes in and the fact that maybe parents should play a bigger role. Meta-analysis looked at the methodological feature of the study in greater detail ( When they did so they divided the study into two categories without using the methodological problems ( In doing so for the five behaviors the best study was chosen to show how they affect each child. Here is an example of the graph from the article I got my information from. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Aggessive aggressive Aggressive Helping PH behavior cognition affect behavior arousal Parents have a big responsibility to make sure that their children are watching the right television shows. Even though there are some parents out there who do not care what their children watch there are ways to educate parents what these shows are doing to our children. A study done by Singer and Singer stated that when parents take an active interest in what their children are watching the child is more likely to tell the difference between realism and not ( It has also been reported that when a parent restricts access to violent television there is a report of lower aggressive tendencies ( We all know that when parents are involved children are less to get in trouble. Parents cant do all the work. The government and those who make the shows nee to take responsibility for what they make as well. Today efforts such as the V-chip and media education have been used to lessen the effects of media violence, but there is still not a stop. They talk about a gap that needs to be filled when it comes to some parts of the research ( What they do know is that when you reduce exposure you reduce aggression ( Even with the V-chip and educating parents the media world is changing and so how parents protect their children from aggression will change as well. It seems like they will like to see the media world helping as well (

Friday, January 17, 2020

African American Studies paper Essay

The civil rights movement was a mass protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern states that came to a national eminence during the mid 1950’s. This movement can be said to be a â€Å"long time coming† for African slaves and their descendants to resist racial oppression, especially after the United States abolished slavery. Although, slaves were emancipated during the civil war & were then granted basic civil rights through the passing of the 14th amendment and 15th amendment they still struggled and suffered trying to get â€Å"equality† for the next hundred years. Throughout the period of time in which African Americans fought for equality, desegregation and racism, the United States made massive changes. Beginning with the Jim Crow Laws, the countless court cases and the vast impact on the Civil Rights leaders during this time period of trying to gain â€Å"equality† there were two sides to this fight. One side was through the nonviolent protest while the other side was more of an active resistance. The modern period of the civil rights movement can ultimately be divided into several phases. Each act of a protest first started off small and ultimately became big. The Brown vs. Board of Education demonstrated that the process of taking legal action strategy of the NAACP could challenge the legal foundations of southern. This thought or strategy would only work if blacks came together instead of individually trying to conquer. Therefore during the 1950’s and 1960’s the NAACP sponsored legal suits and social movement seeking social changes accompanied legislative lobbying. The primary phase of the black protest began on Page 2 December 1, 1955 when a woman named Rosa Parks, of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat to a white bus rider. In the result of not giving her seat up she was defying a southern custom that required blacks to give seats toward the front of the buses to whites. Therefore by not giving up her seat she was then arrested and put in jail. When she was jailed a black community boycott of the city’s buses began. The boycott lasted more than a year, demonstrating the unity and determination of black residents. The well-known Martin Luther King, Jr. who was most famous for his â€Å"I have a dream† speech was the most active leader of this boycott. Although King and Parks were apart of the NAACP the Montgomery movement led to the creation in 1957 of a new organization called the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with King as the president. On February 1, 1960 four freshmen at North Carolina A&T College began a wave of sit-ins designed to end segregation at southern diners. These protest resulted in the new organization called the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. August 28th though was the climax of the civil rights movement. That was the day blacks did the March on Washington & Martin Luther King, Jr.gave his â€Å"I have a dream† speech. King with the help of many others helped bringing the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the last major racial protest would be the Selma to Montgomery march. Soon after the march Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. By the late 1960’s there was a growth of a new organization with more of a radical approach, the organization was called the Black Panther Party. During the late half of the 1960’s there were a series of â€Å"riots†. Supporters of black liberation saw civil rights reforms as an insufficient method because they did not address the problems faced by millions of poor blacks. Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X influenced the Black Nationalism group. After the 1960’s civil rights movement blacks witnessed both group of leaders, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. , assassinated. The mark these two men left behind did not fade away though. Despite the civil right’s gains of the 1960’s racial discrimination remained a significant factor in America. Even after President Johnson declared a war on poverty and Dr. King initiated a Poor People’s Campaign in 1968, the distribution of the nation’s wealth and income moved toward greater inequality during the 70’s and 80’s. Some advantages of the Civil Right’s & Black Power movement was that ethnic minorities gained rights that should not have been denied to them on the basis of skin color. The common law did not provide satisfactory protection of basic human rights for the future of the community. The civil rights movement ensured that rights are protected and courts require a clear direction about what rights should be protected. The con about the civil rights movement was that the increase of litigation in the courts would give excessive power to the judiciary rights. Earlier in the essay I referenced the different movements but what I didn’t mention was that both groups took different strives to achieve their goals. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference took more of a non-violent approach to reach their goals according to the â€Å"Southern Christian Leadership Conference† website. While King and his group was more of a non-violent group, the Page 4. Black Nationalism and Malcolm X were more radical. Malcolm X had coined the phrase â€Å"by any means necessary† which meant he wanted to achieve equal rights at any length of sacrifice. Even though Malcolm X said, â€Å"by any means necessary† according to Dr. Stephanie L. McKinney he only used violence as a â€Å"self defense†. Martin Luther King Jr. on the other hand realized that nonviolent tactics was the way to go. Ultimately both leaders pursued the same goal and both achieved it. As you can see in the paragraphs above both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had two different approaches to gain equality but I support Martin Luther King Jr. ways of gaining equality more than Malcolm X’s. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the few people who lived up to what he preached. Martin Luther King Jr. sold out to his cause, was passionate about his mission, and connected with the audience. Malcolm X’s radical movement was the reason why I couldn’t side with him. I respect Malcolm X but disagree with any view that encourages violence. King wanted change with his voice, which in my opinion is the strongest tool for someone, who doesn’t support violence. If you think about it physical punishment is dealt to one person and everyone else doesn’t necessarily feel the pain but words can be felt through everyone who’s listening. Just like many other movements and eras the Civil Rights & Black Power movement started, climaxed, then faded. Although, this era influenced many generations that came later and many people still benefit from the efforts of the Civil Rights leaders such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. , & Malcolm X. Some former civil rights activists, such as John Lewis, Andrew Young, and Jesse Jackson, launched Page 5 careers in electoral politics. American civil rights legislation of the 1960s became the center for affirmative action programs that increased opportunities for many black students and workers as well as for women, disabled people, and other victims of discrimination. However, civil rights issues continued to stimulate protests, particularly when previous gains appeared to be threatened. Overall, the 20th-century struggle for civil rights produced an enduring transformation of the legal status of African Americans and other victims of discrimination. It also increased the responsibility of the government to enforce civil rights laws. APA Citations Page 54h. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam. (n. d. ). Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam [ushistory. org]. Retrieved December 5, 2013, from http://www. ushistory. org/us/54h. asp From Black Revolution to â€Å"Radical Humanism†: Malcolm X between Biography and International History. (n. d. ). Home. Retrieved December 4, 2013, from http://www. humanityjournal. org/humanity-volume-3-issue-2/black-revolution-radical-humanism-malcolm-x-between-biography-and-internat McKinney, S. (n. d. ). Malcolm X. About. com 20th Century History. Retrieved December 4, 2013, from http://history1900s. about. com/od/people/a/Malcolm-X. htm Nonviolent Resistance. (n. d. ). Nonviolent Resistance. Retrieved December 4, 2013, from http://mlk-kpp01. stanford. edu/index. php/encyclopedia/ Southern Christian Leadership Conference. (n. d. ). Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Retrieved December 5, 2013, from http://www. historylearningsite. co. uk/southern_christian_leadership_co. htm.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sensitivity Analysis , Cabg, And Pci - 1308 Words

Sensitivity Analysis-Colectomy, CABG, and PCI Multiple analyses were conducted to test the sensitivity of price regression results: 1) HHI measurement by different definitions and levels; 2) GLM regression using different distribution families; and 3) non-linearity of age, HHI, and HMO penetration. HHI Measured by Admissions vs Inpatient Days The main GLM regression models included a hospital admission HHI where the total number of admissions in a hospital is measured as a proxy of the hospital’s market share. Another way to measure a hospital’s market share is to calculate the total inpatient day share of the hospital. Table 9 shows the GLM equations with the admission HHI vs. the inpatient days HHI for all samples. This sensitivity analysis results were consistent with the results from the main GLM regression. HHI at Hospital, System, Network and System or Network levels HHI can also be measured at different levels: 1) hospital; 2) system; 3) network; and 4) system or network level. Table 10 shows the different specifications using HHI at different levels. Similarly, this sensitivity analysis supports the results from the main GLM regressions. Coefficients of different types of health systems changed slightly at the third decimal place when different HHI variables were included. It is worthwhile to pay attention to the systematic differences in HHI coefficients. The magnitude of coefficients became larger from model 1 to model 4 for colectomy, CABG and PCI samples.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Ebay Facing The Global Challenge Essay - 1107 Words

Executive Summary: The e-commerce industry has become a major player in the global retail environment. E-Bays large operating history has allowed the company to build a social capital of internet buyers and sellers that has now become its competitive advantage. However, intense competition in e-commerce has lead major players to lead expansion efforts in foreign markets where growing economies exist and the number of internet users is abundant. As a facilitator of online buyer-seller transactions, the only obstacle the company needs to overcome is quickly introducing its presence in new foreign markets where growth opportunities have been identified. Industry Analysis: The online auction industry is currently in the growth stage of†¦show more content†¦However, their large population levels relative to the number of internet users show low internet penetration levels (See Exhibit B). Such countries are considered potential for future growth in e-commerce as their infrastructure develops with technological innovation. Competitor Analysis: Many of eBays current and potential competitors will not be able to attract the number of registered users equivalent to or beyond eBay (See Exhibit D) because they do not have longer operating histories and greater brand recognition that has been attained by eBays network economies from its first-to-market advantage. On the other hand, the strategic partnerships formed by eBays competitors in foreign markets pose a serious threat in its future ability to expand in new countries and increase share in growing markets such as China. Yahoos strategic alliance with Alibabas TaoBao has captured 58% of the Chinese online auction market. EBays EachNet has attained roughly 35% of that market. 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